Michiyoshi Inoue Official Web Site


~ショスタコ交響曲全曲演奏プロジェクト・井上道義を追う~ 【4】

月刊情報誌「ArtGaia Club Magazine tc」7・8月号 ロングインタビュー(全内容)

-- 前編 --


 でもショスタコーヴィチ・イヤーだった06年になっても、みんな意外とショスタコ ーヴィチを演奏しなかったんですよ。なぜやらないんだろう?
ポピュラーになろう、金持ちになろう、野望とか野心でやるんだったらクラシックでやる必要はないわけで、僕はクラシックをやることで自分の居場所を探している。 クラシックが好きな人たちは、社会全体の向いている方向じゃないものに興味を持っている人、すごくとんがった人が多いんじゃないかと思っているんです。


 ある時、ピカッときた。というのは、実際、ホールを押さえようとしたら、すでに予約がいっぱいで。サントリーホールなり、オーチャードホールなり、東京オペラシティなり、思うように借りられないんですよ。サイクルをやるとしたら、1カ月、たとえば土、日、土、日、土、日と借りられない! これは参った!と思っているうちに、日比谷公会堂が突然ひらめいた。そして、実際、運よくひと月まるまる貸していただけることになった。


 実際、学生のころから知ってる若い知り合いを日比谷公会堂に連れていったら、「すごい! こんなホールがあったんですか!なんて品がいんでしょう!感動ものです!」なんて言うんですよ(笑)。でも、なるほどね、と思った。僕なんか見るとぼろいって思うんだけど(笑)、彼から見るとレトロだって。




 19歳でこんなもん書きやがって! 俺、同い年じゃねーか! と思いながらやってたよね。

―その後、京都市交響楽団の音楽監督時代(1990―98年)には、ショスタ コーヴィチを積極的に演奏されました。

 当時は京都会館で演奏会をしていて、お客は入らない、ホールは響きが悪い。オーケストラは男ばっかりで色気がない(笑)。これで何ができるだろう? ということでショスタコーヴィチを毎年必ずやろうと思った。ショスタコーヴィチをやると無理やりにホールが鳴るんですよ。それからショスタコーヴィチは、基本的に「男の音楽」だからね。あのころ、定年ギリギリの男どもがすごくたくさんいて、男の音楽ができた。

 変な話、たとえば、自動車に乗って、CDつけて、山道をキュッキュッキュッキュッ飛ばしながら聴くには、ショスタコーヴィチがピッタリなんですよ。そんな感じに音楽をとらえてもいいんじゃないかと僕は考えている。別に、それがすべてとは思わないけれど、音楽は何か意味があるかというとないわけで、楽譜と音しかないわけ。そこで、時代が変わったところからもう一回見直すことが面白いんじゃないかと思ったんですね。(以下 次号に続く)

[4] Inoue talks the real intention of the Shostakovich-project
Interview in the July/August issue of "Art Gaia" Magazine. (complete contents)

―Anyway, I was surprised to hear the brief overview of the project. Frankly, what made you plan so?

I conducted all of the Mahler with the New Japan Philharmonic from 1999 to 2000. As for Shostakovich, I started thinking in the beginning of 2005 as the next year is his 100th anniversary of his birth.

At that time Mr. Iwaki (Hiroyuki) was conducting the Beethoven's 9 symphonies on the New Year's Eve. I thought it would be impossible to finish Shostakovich's 15 symphonies in one day, or, also impossible to complete this composer in one week. That is because the Beethoven's are basic repertoire of the orchestra. That's why, the players can overview, and make it possible in a short period of time due to the fact that the audience knows it. On the contrary, Mahler became a kind of boom by a film, at the same time, the medium called CD was invented, that can bear the length of the music, and the music wide spread in the world so that I could hold the concert with all of his music. However, Shostakovich does not match any of the conditions like that. I was about to give up, "It might be impossible to conduct all".
Unexpectedly, nobody was playing Shostakovich even after the Shostakovich year 2006 came. How come? There are so many wonderful pieces of work... then I got to be motivated (laugh).
As for me, I reflect my life by conducting music that is not famous, mainly. I believe this is how to pursue classical music. No need to take part in classical music if you want to be popular and rich, with this kind of ambition. I find my place by being engaged in classical music. Those who like classical music are often the ones who are interested in things that do not arouse curiosity of society, in other words, they are thorny people. I guess I am one of them, and if nobody else did, I would feel like doing so. Especially when it comes to the big project like this, I should achieve while I have enough physical strength. If it was the case of Bruckner、I would be able to take a baton at the age of 90, but as for Shostakovich, I wouldn't be even 80 years old.

―Why did you choose the Tokyo Metropolitan Hibiya Public Hall?

Lightning raced down my spine. To be honest, I couldn't book a hall-the Suntory hall、the orchard hall, the opera city hall, etc… were all fully booked. We needed to book it repeatedly for a month, for instance, every Saturday and Sunday. That was a facer! Suddenly, The Hibiya Public Hall came into my mind, and happened to be able to reserve it all through the month. At the same time, I started to think if I could do something for the hall. Many people whose ages are over 60 go to concerts at the Hibiya Public Hall.
When the time there was no Tokyo Festival Hall, the Hibiya Public Hall was already there before the War, our mother's generation used to go, and all my teachers used to play there, as well.
Such a hall is not used at all now. Indeed it is old, and there are only stairs. However, there are plenty of halls as old as it in Europe. Although Musikverein in Vienna has a lift, but there is no escalator. I was wondering if the Hibiya Public Hall is that bad, but remembering the time I listened on the balcony seat, the quality was not bad, though I've had a lot of experience to listen to the bad quality of performance. I can see the parquet circle would not be perfect to listen, but the balcony is not bad.
The <> under the baton of Charles Munch I listened when I was a junior high school student did not remind me of bad quality of the sound. In addition, the Shostakovich's music is cold and confronting music so that it would match the Hibiya Public hall rather than the Suntory hall that fills the place with kindness. Therefore, I got to think my decision was right, and things will be alright.

As I think it over, I cannot help thinking why the hall like that does not function as a centre of Tokyo classical music since it is located in such a good place. Not only companies are around, but banks and government and other public offices are there. The location is much better than any other halls. You can enjoy spending time at the park after the concert, and there are places to eat out. It's very close to the Metro, easy to catch a taxi, and able to go directly from the office after work. I thought I had to do something for the Hibiya Public hall. In fact, when I took my acquaintance from my school days there, he said, "Great! I didn't know there is a hall like this! How elegant it is! Stunning!" (Laugh) Well, it was understandable. It seems to me ancient (laugh), but retrospect to him. That's why; I expect to have a kind of change of value in this project by meetings of the first visitors and those who have once come to the Hibiya Public Hall.

―When was the first time you encountered Shostakovich?

When I was a student!
I played the 1st symphony under my teacher Mr. Hideo Saito at Toho Gakuen.

―How did you feel when you actually played it (with contrabass)?

How dare he wrote something like this! I'm at the same age! I was thinking in that way.

―Later, at the time when you were a music director of the Kyoto Symphony Orchestra (1990-98), you positively played Shostakovich.

At that time, not many audiences were coming, the quality of the sound of the hall was bad, and the orchestra members were all men and opposite-of-glamorous. (Laugh) What can I do then? The answer was to play Shostakovich every year. Shostakovich's music forces the hall sound. What's more, Shostakovich is basically, "Music of Man". At that time, there were full of men just before their retirement age, and that enabled to perform the music of man. I used to have the fixed concept about Shostakovich myself, but the idea gradually changed as I went through his scores and various materials. Then, I heard stories how he was and what actually happened to Shostakovich from his son Maxim, Rostropovich, Rozhdestvensky, and a son of the composer Sorochinsky who used to be his best friend in his youth.
I reached the conclusion that there was not much connection between Shostakovich and politics as expected. It is often said it was the conflict against the politics, or something to do with the Soviet Union, but the truth is far from it. In other words, it is as silly as connecting the Beethoven to the French Revolution, and thinking about the <> symphony. Getting rid of these guide books, the Shostakovich's music became more interesting.

In a backward way, Shostakovich perfectly goes well when shooting in the mountain road with the car.
Why not treating music like that? Of course it is not all about music, but music does not really have its meanings, just has its score and sound. So, I felt it's interesting to review it at a different time of view.

【3】「日比谷公会堂と野外音楽堂の未来を語る会」 | TOP